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Let's rewind to 1990. I am newly married and living in an entirely new country, The United States of America - the land of dreams and opportunity. When I was a child, my dream was to become a medical doctor. I was hopeful that this new start would give me the chance to pursue this career, but God had a different plan. After one year of marriage, I was blessed with my first pregnancy. Although painful, I had to let my dreams of becoming an M.D go because helping support and nurture my family was now my main priority. 


To help support my family, I needed to embark on a new career. In the end, I decided to earn my bachelor’s degree in psychology. I'll be honest, this wasn't a field I was initially interested in, but overtime I grew to love it. With this degree, my husband and I opened our first business, MetroWest Human Services Alternatives, where I used my training and interpersonal skills to help provide quality care to every client we served. I was able to find passion in something I never once considered, and it turned out to be lifechanging.


Despite the many blessings that followed our business opening, my desire to be a doctor remained. However, I now wanted to become a doctor that could help benefit the field I was in. Therefore, in 2014, I began my journey of obtaining my PhD. The process was extremely challenging, but with the support of my beloved family, close friends, and God almighty, I was able to make it through. 


Although this was not the route I envisioned taking, in the end, I am still able to call myself a doctor. Let my story be a reminder to you that God never makes mistakes. He sees the beginning from the end. Even though it can be very difficult at times, you must always trust in God and the journey he has laid out for you. Take those leaps of faith because where God brings you will be more fulfilling than anything you ever imagined doing yourself. 




Dr. Amina Mary Onyejose

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